Lesson plans


Teenage climate change activists - then and now

Sept. 22, 2019
This lesson is a double bill featuring two teenage climate change activists - one from the present and one from the past.

Why grown men are being adopted in Japan

July 4, 2019
Mukoyōshi: an age-old samurai tradition reinvented to suit the demands of business leaders in patriarchal Japan

India bans commercial surrogacy

Jan. 25, 2019
This lesson aims at triggering a debate on the ethics of commercial surrogacy that has just been banned in India - a former 'rent a womb' haven
Qatar stadium

Should Qatar be stripped of the World Cup?

July 3, 2018
Prompted by the video in this lesson, your students won't need much encouragement to engage in a heated debate about the next World Cup, whether they are avid football fans or not.