Lesson plans


The Great Resignation - Why Is Everyone Quitting Their Jobs?

Oct. 21, 2021
Will Trevor Noah inspire you to consider changing your career with his toungue-in-cheek commentary on a recent trend in America's job market?
Bastille day.jpg

Bastille Day celebrations interrupted by yellow jackets

July 20, 2019
A video report from the Bastille Day celebrations in France is a perfect excuse to discuss nationalism and patriotism, but also social inequality that fuels rage of the 'Yellow Vests'
Declaration of Independence

The Way I Heard It: The One Percenters

July 6, 2019
In this episode of The Way I Heard It, Mike Rowe pays hommage to an elite club of One Percenters without whom his country would have never come into being

Why grown men are being adopted in Japan

July 4, 2019
Mukoyōshi: an age-old samurai tradition reinvented to suit the demands of business leaders in patriarchal Japan

India bans commercial surrogacy

Jan. 25, 2019
This lesson aims at triggering a debate on the ethics of commercial surrogacy that has just been banned in India - a former 'rent a womb' haven
Qatar stadium

Should Qatar be stripped of the World Cup?

July 3, 2018
Prompted by the video in this lesson, your students won't need much encouragement to engage in a heated debate about the next World Cup, whether they are avid football fans or not.